Prepare For iOS 8.3 Jailbreak And Apple Watch, Proper 8.3 Update Guide

How to Update for Future iOS 8.3 Jailbreak and Apple Watch - Today, a sizable portion of iPhone jailbreakers find that the moment of reckoning is upon them in light of the Apple Watch’s official release in 9 countries. However, prior to being able to fully use the device, one must update their iPhone 5 or higher (including the 5c, 5c, and the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus) to at least iOS 8.2, if not the current iOS 8.3 public firmware. That poses serious complications for those currently jailbroken on either > iOS 8.1.2 or iOS 8.2 betas 1 or 2 (both are jailbreakable, yet neither support the Apple Watch), as the latest TaiG jailbreak was officially patched by Apple with iOS 8.1.3. Having said that, while i0n1c successfully achieved an Untethered iOS 8.4 jailbreak on the first beta version of the firmware, and both Pangu and TaiG are confirmed to be creating new untethered jailbreak iOS 8.3 utilities, what about right now? Currently, as of writing this article, a jailbreak doesn’t exist for either of the aforementioned public firmwares that support Apple’s hottest post-PC wearable, so for those of you who already purchased the device and plan on receiving it either today or in the near future, you’ll need to leave the comfort of your jailbreak and update to iOS 8.3 - but like most things in life, there’s a right way and a wrong way to update. In light of that glaring fact, we’re going to guide you through the proper update procedure in today’s article - make the jump past the break to learn how to properly update to iOS 8.3 with the intent of jailbreaking when a new utility is released.

How to Update To iOS 8.3 For The Future Jailbreak

First, it’s also important to mention that this guide is multifaceted in nature, as it will also serve those seeking to update to iOS 8.3 in the future once a new jailbreak is made available.

Also, as for the rumors swirling around the jailbreak blogosphere suggesting that iOS 8.2 will be jailbroken before 8.3 and to avoid the latest release, that’s simply not the case. While iOS 8.3 does close security vulnerabilities, they were left over from the original TaiG jailbreak that Apple simply left unattended when the company patched TaiG with 8.1.3, i.e. they’re not new vulnerabilities and TaiG and/or Pangu wouldn’t issue a new jailbreak without supporting the latest firmware (in this case iOS 8.3).

Avoid OTA Update To Jailbreak 8.3

For those of you currently unjailbroken who intend on both updating your iPhones to iOS 8.3, or even iPads and iPod touches for that matter, and jailbreaking, you must avoid Apple’s built-in over-the-air (OTA for short) update feature, as OTA updates are known to cause severe complications with jailbreaks. In laymen’s terms, an OTA update simply ‘replaces’ what’s changed from the starting firmware to the one a device is updating to and doesn’t fully update the device, which can lead to random and sporadic issues post-jailbreak - follow today’s guide to ensure said issues don’t happen to you and your device.

Update To iOS 8.3: Apple Watch Jailbreak 8.3

To preface, as always, it’s important that you check and verify that you do indeed have a current backup of your data (even if you followed the corresponding step in this tutorial), as iTunes might not have backed-up your device properly the first time around. Finally, without further ado, let’s delve into the proper iOS 8.3 update procedure for those who intend to jailbreak on 8.3.

Step 1. Plug your iPhone into your computer via a standard lightning USB cable and launch iTunes.

Step 2. Navigate to the device overview portion of iTunes’ interface and initiate the backup process to ensure that all of your data is retained.

Step 3. Click the restore button, iTunes will then download the corresponding iOS 8.3 IPSW for your device (ensure that you proceed through the download prompts) and automatically proceed with the restore process. This method is the preferred update option as it essentially wipes the entire OS and re-installs it, leaving less room for potential post-iOS 8.3 jailbreak complications.

Step 4. Inside of iTunes, click the button to restore from backup and let iTunes do the rest (while it goes without saying, select the latest backup you created while following the first step).

Congratulations, after following four easy steps, you’ve successfully ensured your future ability to jailbreak iOS 8.3 completely free of errors, whilst simultaneously preparing for the brand new Apple Watch - you should now see a new Apple Watch app on your iPhone, and the new Activity app will be unlocked upon connecting your Apple Watch for the first time.

Jailbreak And iOS 8.3 Update

Thank you for both reading and following our comprehensive guide on how to properly update in anticipation of an iOS 8.3 jailbreak and don’t forget to keep your browsers locked to Evasion Jailbreak for coverage on the next utility’s development.

Don’t forget to subscribe to our Evasi0n 8.3 and iOS 8.3 Jailbreak news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on   to promptly alerted when we write new article related to the forthcoming iOS 8.4 release, the current 8.3 firmware and TaiG’s next Untethered jailbreak.

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133 Responses to Prepare For iOS 8.3 Jailbreak And Apple Watch, Proper 8.3 Update Guide

  1. Mokhtar Topper says:

    I NeeD Jailbreak For ios 8.3

  2. Ãliwã K-g says:

    I recommend that you stop writing an articles till the jailbreak released

  3. Yusufhan Arslan says:

    8.3 or 8.4 jailbreak data for a specific date, please I’m gonna be really obliged to 8.2 frimware

  4. Jagan Rock says:

    plz help me

  5. Jagan Rock says:

    hi i need jailbreak for 8.3??

  6. Rob Le Sauteur says:

    I’m on 8.2 shall I stay on it or upgrade to 8.3?

    • frederick says:

      naw if your on 8.2 ios then go and fine the jailbreak for it because if you upgrade to 8.3 then you will be butt out thus u wont be able to go back to 8.2 ios and my understanding 8.2 has the jailbreak you want and may need ..

  7. Ashish Mahale says:

    I got jAilbrak my 8.3

  8. Frankie Reyes says:

    Apple watch is out and still no jailbreak ??????????

  9. Cartier G?owacki says:

    iPhone is like a 10$ phone without jb thinking of switching to s6 can’t wait no more for the jb

  10. Eduardo Marques says:

    Alguém Br pra me dizer se saiu ou tem previsão? ????

  11. BKing says:

    Why I shouldn’t update from my Iphone device?

  12. Yusufhan Arslan says:

    hani 8.3 cydia siz insanlala dalgami geciyorsunuz

  13. Carlos M Palacios says:

    Where’s our Jailbreak?

    • Jailbreak Evasion says:

      You’re more than welcome to try creating one.

    • Carlos M Palacios says:

      Why even mention that it’s days away when it’s all BS. Everyone’s on the edge, if given the tools to do it, I probably would have it before next update. It sucks that the world of JBing has come to this

  14. Sir'Docz Herrera says:

    do you have jailbreak tools for ipad mini IOS 8.2????

  15. Dave Kelly says:

    They need to post when it happens not this constant get ready , do you want it malarkey If we didn’t want it we wouldn’t be constantly reading this worthless updates lol rant over

  16. sau says:

    I do not to be up to date with what apple releases. It is enough for me just to get my 8.3 iOS jailbroken cuz my device is stuck on it and Apple watch is compatible with it. So I think it is time to release the new utilities to get our new phones jailbroken. What do you think folks?

  17. Hassan Abeed says:

    8.2 jailbreak released or not????

  18. Áron Erd?s says:

    I don’t think so, that jailbreak for 8.1.3, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4 will be available before June. :-/ Every posts about jailbreak for those iOS versions only for LIKE!

  19. Ernesto Avila Jr. says:

    what about iPhone 4s???

  20. Kashif Mirani says:

    when ????

  21. Amd Raihan Radeon says:

    I need ios 8.1.3 jailbreak

  22. Ic0n1c says:

    I believe that the issue everyone should worry about is that by the time TaiG and/or Pangu actually finds an exploit and actually comes out with a jailbreak for 8.3 (because let’s face it, it would actually be worthless making it for 8.1.3 or 8.2) 8.4 would already be out and Apple would have stopped signing 8.2 and 8.3 so those like me who are currently jailbroken on 8.1.2 who wants to get the latest jailbreak and who has ordered the apple watch would get stuck being on 8.1.2! It’s a headache but it’s taking so long that this is what I feel the outcome is going to be!! Icrackurdevice if you listen to your members and make the next video you should mention something kind of what you think on this matter. Thanks ic0n1c out.

  23. ???? ???? ??????? says:

    Please tell us when??????

  24. Ashley Love says:

    So can we jailbrake iOS 8.3 now ?????

  25. Marc says:

    The jailbreak break may not come out for a long time now and we don’t know what future ios it will be for.

  26. Syed Mohsin says:

    Tired of waiting

  27. Alex Egalo says:

    Phillip Prokopowicz

  28. Jeff Allen says:

    I for one don’t want to wait for 8.4 just to jailbreak they say when 8.2 was out hmm lets just wait until 8.3 it will last longer oh but now 8.4 changed what’s next 8.5 and we’ll have to wait for that

  29. Jmark Cuizon Escasinas says:

    Hoping no need to turn off find my iphone huhuh cant jailbreaaakkkk

  30. Scresh says:

    What to do if I had already updated my iPhone to 8.3 usiany OTA?

  31. Michel says:

    If I update by this guide, Will I lose all my apps, progress etc.?

    • John says:

      No, but any apps downloaded through Cydia or other repositories will be gone. Your progress in your apps as well. Your legally obtained stuff along with settings, contacts, notes, recordings, etc. Those will be retained. Only apps, files and such that can only be obtained through jailbreak will be gone.

  32. Tayfun Binici says:

    fake Okan Karaa?aç ç?k?nca çok belli olur

  33. Okan Karaa?aç says:

    I need jailbreak for iOS 8.3

  34. Okan Karaa?aç says:

    Tayfun Binici ne diyor abi bu ?

  35. Sammy the Jailf**cker says:

    how this time they don’t screw up. I’m really waiting for a JB i will probably sell my iphone if they lie again about JBing

  36. Cisco Torres says:

    Victor Crimepays Villegas

  37. Tinku Khanna says:

    Can i jailbreak ios 8.1.3 now

  38. Carlos Castillo says:

    I wish apple would stop being pricks and let us be us !!!

  39. Dimebag Dimas Tangliben Eming says:

    JB all the BETAs but no JB for final version.

  40. Ezekiel says:

    I really hope we don’t get jailbreak-blocked by Apple again. #waiting

    • John says:

      We will always be jailbreak blocked. That’s why Apple makes patches; to do just that. What we can do, is to update to new firmware, get the jailbreak before they make the patch, and then to stay on the older firmware to prevent losing the jailbreak.

  41. Omid Namdar Zangeneh says:

    Please release 8.3 jb as soon as possibele, tnx

  42. Jafar Aldulaimi says:

    ???? ?? ?????

  43. Infernoblader Larx says:

    Wait… Whats cydia and whats jailbreak? Someone explain to me pls!!!! Im a stoopid person and also new to jailbreaking and cydia

  44. Treenares Inpha says:

    ?????? ???????????

  45. Christian Velez says:

    Only ionic have the jailbreak and he are not goin to relice it. Its goin to pass long time. Stevan an pangu and taig are not working together

  46. Edward Kenway says:

    When is the jb going 2be available !!!

  47. Ron ErtlGuy King says:

    When the JB comes out, I won’t be able to use it on my 4s?

  48. vitor says:

    I really like this site for news, but it does not speak English very well …. and I could not understand some parts, could someone tell me, when you leave the JB for ios 8.3?

    • Murkie says:

      the problem is that he speaks/writes english too well and makes some things confusing.

    • John says:

      I think it’s that your English ability isn’t good enough. Judging from your comment, I don’t think your skill is par with evasi0njailbreaks writing. Of course this article isn’t perfect, as there are some grammatical errors, but a person with decent English skill would be able to understand it. Probably why you’re the only one complaining.

      • vitor says:

        you have reason, it even used google, after all, that’s why I asked if there would be a jb or not: P if the opposite myself would have read in full.

      • Evasion Admin says:

        No, John, there isn’t a single grammatical error in this post - the same cannot be said for your comment though 😛

  49. Ikim Blackett says:

    Ion1c is always very informative. ????????

  50. Alzubaidy Haider says:

    Ahmed Ali AghaAbdulaziz Alassali ??????? ????

  51. Ryan Sanchez says:

    Tbh I don’t think we’ll see a jailbreak until iOS 9.1.1 or around there

  52. Mohamed Farag says:

    Ahmed Rashad

  53. Rose Serrone says:

    When is the jb going to be available???

  54. Basharof Ali ZD says:

    Mohamad Alrefai

  55. Schroeyers Gilles says:

    Steven Azalea Ora Grande

  56. Roy Swartz says:

    So sitting in 8.2 makes no sense?

  57. Raed Maqsood says:

    I need jailbreak for iOS 8.2

  58. Alfonso Gurrola says:

    I have jailbreak i0s 8.2

  59. Amr Mero says:

    This is my point of view that apple makes that bugs to allow hackers to exploit bugs to make jailbreake because they know that iphone is scucks without jailbreak

  60. Hugo Danone says:

    talk talk and say nothing

  61. Znakes says:

    are you sure this time gonna be JB or another updates story?

  62. Amr Mero says:

    Where the JB?

  63. Junior RZ Ramirez says:

    Lucio Castro

  64. Simu Padam says:

    What if im already on ios 8.3 ? And i did update with iTunes a week ago

  65. Moataz Morad says:

    can jailbrak 8.3 now ?????

  66. Eduardo Silva says:

    Eu preciso de jailbreak para ios 8.3

  67. Jennifer Blanquin says:

    Ya t’il quelqu’un qui parle français et qui pourrai m’expliquer svp

  68. Tye Anthony Nash says:


  69. James Yu says:

    awesome for the jailbreak

  70. Foshy Finksh says:

    what about iOS 8.2 ? ????????

  71. Robert 'Van Winkle' Rice says:

    8.0.2 unjailbroken. Want to jailbreak but waiting to see if and when this happens

  72. Eng-Fadi Menas says:

    Go a head

  73. Ayaz Aslam says:

    How the hell do you update apps that are cracked? jailbreak pointless can’t update from vshare or appcake!

  74. René Leonard van Esdonk says:


  75. Petrit Bytyqi says:

    Alban Bytyçi

  76. HaMa JaMal says:

    i can jaibreak ios 8.3 now??

  77. Cody Smith says:

    I’m wondering who’s gonna get it first.?? Pangu or Taig.? Find those exploits.! ????

  78. Mohamad Swaid says:

    Can’t wait

  79. Hmt Nguy?n says:

    I need to JB 8.3 times as much longer I waited a long time and read a lot of information on 8.3

  80. Max Jasper says:

    Can’t waitt!!!

  81. Waleed King says:

    When, I can’t wait

  82. Daniel Bre says:

    can´t wait for the 8.3 jb. im addicted

  83. Eric J. Félix Díaz says:

    I can’t wait

  84. Islam Basim says:

    I need jailbreak for iOS 8.3

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