Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 Wait And Why iOS 9.3 Makes Sense

iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Wait and Why iOS 9.2 Makes Sense - It’s officially been “months” since the release of iOS 9.1, the jailbreak-patching firmware that closed the pangu9 jailbreak for iOS 9 through 9.0.2, and some individuals are losing hope that a new jailbreak for iOS 9.2.1 will be released. To dispel any misconceptions that this is the end of jailbreaking: it’s NOT! In fact, far from it. The current wait since the iOS 9.1 patch of Pangu isn’t even the longest we’ve had to wait for a new untethered jailbreak solution! In order to truly understand the current jailbreak situation, what with iOS 9.2.1 being public and iOS 9.3 in its third round of developer beta testing, we need to look back to years past. So will we get a new iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak for all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models? Find out after the break! iOS refreshes the iPhone's core experience with redesigned widgets on the Home Screen, a new way to automatically organize apps with the App Library, and a more compact design for phone calls and Siri. Messages introduces pinned conversations and enhances groups and Memoji. With Guides, Maps adds cycling directions and makes it easier to find places you'll love. The latest iOS update also is compatible with many trading apps like Bitcoin Circuit live for download in the apple store. This is an automated trading platform that enables users to profit from the cryptocurrency market. The trading platform uses robots to do all of the work, trading robots can be activated by registered account holders on the Bitcoin Circuit platform. The success rate for transactions performed by trading robots on Bitcoin Circuit is 98 percent, which is highly impressive. The automated trading system employs sophisticated software to mitigate known risks in the cryptocurrency market. Read more
Fake iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Scams Propagate, How To Identify Them!

New iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 Jailbreak Scams Spread, How To Identify Them - Recently, as the majority of jailbreakers wait for a new utility (stranded on either iOS 9.1, 9.2 or now 9.2.1), a number of jailbreak scams have begun propagating across the web. Essentially websites promising either an iOS 9.2, 9.2.1 or even iOS 9.3 beta jailbreak are spreading like wildfire and more individuals than ever are falling victim to said websites’ scams. Currently, as of writing this article, none of the firmwares ranging from iOS 9.1 to iOS 9.3 are jailbreakable by the public (Luca Todesco has an iOS 9.2.x jailbreak, but that’s another story) and any website you come across that promises a jailbreak is, to put it bluntly, fake! In today’s quick article, we’re going to teach you how to recognize the fake and scam sites - continue reading past the break for full details! Read more
Pangu On iOS 9.2.1: Jailbreak Team Urges Users To Upgrade

Pangu Comments iOS 9.2.1 Upgrading: Jailbreak Team Urges User To Upgrade - Following hacker Luca Todesco’s recent tantalizing display of an iOS 9.2 through iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak that he regrettably won’t release, the Pangu jailbreak team actually posted an official blog entry concerning whether users should update their iOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2 iPhones, iPads and iPod touches to the latest public firmware as of writing this article: iOS 9.2.1. With the upcoming update to iOS, iPhone users will need to explicitly consent the app publisher to track the apps and websites they visit, especially apps like BitIQ 2022 that they use for trading. Because BitIQ is an auto trading bot that is specifically designed to execute the trade automatically on the behalf of the users. While none of the aforementioned firmwares are jailbreakable by the public, Pangu felt it the opportune time to publish a dedicated security expose on iOS 9.2.1. So does that mean Pangu is preparing to release a new jailbreak for iOS 9.2.1? Let’s examine the situation after the break. Read more
Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 & iOS 9.3 Full Untether Achieved, It Won’t Be Released

iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3 Full Untethered Jailbreak Achieved by Luca Todesco - Following a series of recent iOS and jailbreak updates, hacker Luca Todesco (the very individual who posted jailbreak teasers for both iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3) is back with another tantalizing proof of concept. Previously, Todesco highlighted a jailbreak that simply injected the kernel patches and other exploits, but wasn’t a full jailbreak, as it was considered volatile or unstable. Now however, the hacker has demonstrated a full fledged Untethered jailbreak on iOS 9.2 with his iPhone 6, which is said to also function on iOS 9.2.1 and iOS 9.3. But here’s the catch, as with his other jailbreak demonstrations, Todesco has confirmed that he won’t release anything to the public. For additional information and a complete breakdown as to why, continue past the break. Read more
iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Update! New Utility For iOS 9.2 Instead? PP’s Crazy Claims

Jailbreak and iOS 9.2.1 Update! PP Claims New Utility for iOS 9.2 Instead - Recently, ensuing the release of iOS 9.2.1, a number of reports perpetuating false information have begun circulating throughout the jailbreak blogosphere - in fact, the story was even picked up by the jailbreak sub reddit, which sadly furthered the reach of the incorrect report. Said report originated from PP, which doesn’t lend to its credibility whatsoever, makes the widely inaccurate claim that iOS 9.2.1 won’t be jailbroken before iOS 9.2 and instead of targeting the latest public firmware (9.2.1), TaiG will release a jailbreak for iOS 9.2 instead. That’s not the case at all; for a complete break down and explanation as to why we’re just as likely to see an iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak, continue reading past the break. Read more
Apple’s iOS 9.2.1 Released, Jailbreak 9.2.1 Imminent Or More Waiting?

iOS 9.2.1 Released, Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 Utility Imminent Or More Waiting? - Today, following last week’s release of both iOS 9.3 beta 1 and iOS 9.3 beta 1.1, Apple issued iOS 9.2.1 to the masses. While we’re certain you’re already pondering the possibility of a new iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak, we must first discuss the firmware as an iOS update. Preceding the forthcoming iOS 9.3 update, which adds Apple’s own in-house f.lux solution for reducing blue light exposure (dubbed Night Shift) and focuses on more direct improvements (found here), today’s iOS 9.2.1 update was released to focus on behind the scenes improvements. As with all iOS updates, the new iOS 9.2.1 firmware can be obtained via one of two methods: either as an OTA (over-the-air) update inside the settings app or through iTunes, though we strongly advise against updating for those of you currently jailbroken on iOS 9.0.x! For more details on iOS 9.2.1 and jailabreaking, continue reading past the break. Read more
iOS 9.3 Kills Jailbreak Need After iOS 9.2? Apple Seeds 9.3 Beta 1.1

Following Apple’s interesting release of iOS 9.3 beta 1 earlier this week (interesting in the sense that Apple is currently seeding two different beta versions of iOS: 9.2.1 and 9.3), the company released iOS 9.3 beta 1.1 yesterday morning. In one strange move after another, this is the first time Apple has released an incremental beta 1.x update. Beyond the questions and difficulties iOS 9.3 gives rise to concerning jailbreaking, the firmware is actually a rather substantial update - introducing native f.lux functionality, adding security to Notes, brining support for multiple Apple Watches and more! Read more
iOS 9.3 Beta Released, New Jailbreak 9.3 Achieved & Post 9.2 Jailbreak Explained

Jailbreak iOS 9.3 Achieved Following Beta 1 Release, Post 9.2 Jailbreak Explained! - Yesterday, in a rather surprising move, Apple seeded iOS 9.3 beta 1 to registered developers, making it the second beta firmware currently in testing stages (the first being iOS 9.2.1 beta 2). This is not only a huge deal from an iOS standpoint, but also from that of a jailbreaker’s perspective, as it could delay the release of an iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak that supports iOS 9.2 and iOS 9.1. Additionally, a known jailbreak developer released a teaser of an iOS 9.3 jailbreak on an iPhone 6, but it might not be what it appears. In today’s new jailbreak update article, the staff of Jailbreak Pangu will not only highlight iOS 9.3’s brand new features, but also delve into the next jailbreak and its status - continue reading past the break for information on everything! Read more
iOS 9.2.1 Jailbreak Achieved, But We Can’t Have It: Explained!

Jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 Achieved, But It Won’t Be Released - While the majority of us eagerly await the release of TaiG’s next jailbreak, which is likely bound for iOS 9.2.1 with backwards compatibility for both iOS 9.2 and 9.1, an interesting development occurred last night that may have confused a large number of jailbreakers. It appears as though hacker Luca Todesco has successfully jailbroken iOS 9.2.1 on his iphone7,2 (the identifier for the iPhone 6), as he posted a screenshot of Cydia scrolled to the bottom with the identifying text in plain sight. Could this be it, will he be the one to jailbreak iOS 9.2.1? Nope! For a more thorough explanation, continue reading past the break - a detailed video analysis is included. Read more
iOS 9.2.1 Beta 2 Seeded, TaiG Jailbreak 9.2 Release Date Explained

Apple Releases iOS 9.2.1 Beta 2, TaiG Jailbreak iOS 9.2 Release Date? - This morning, approximately three weeks following its initial release, Apple seeded iOS 9.2.1 beta 2 through their developer portal and released the corresponding public beta. With a countless number of our readers having expressed interested in our recent “3K Assistant’s iOS 9.2 Jailbreak Confirmation Pulled” article (found here), there’s no denying that the hottest topic currently is the status of the next Untethered jailbreak for iOS 9.2! However, how will iOS 9.2.1 affect it and how does today’s release influence it? Continue reading past the break for more information. Read more
iOS 9 Jailbreak Community