iOS 6 UnTethered 6.1 Jailbreak 6.0.1, 6.0.2 Update: New Exploits Uncovered

iOS 6 UnTethered 6.1 Jailbreak 6.0.1, 6.0.2 Update: New Exploits Uncovered Today we have some great news to share regarding the development of an UnTethered iOS 6, 6.0.2, 6.1 and 6.0.1 jailbreak for all supported iOS-based devices. January is quickly slipping by and the demand for an evasion UnTethered jailbreak couldn’t be higher. Before analyzing the latest news, it’s crucial to discuss another critical jailbreak update.

UnTethered iOS 6, 6.0.1 Jailbreak Details 

iOS 6 Jailbreak 6.0.1 UnTethered iPhone 5

Earlier this month, planetbeing (a well-known security expert and iOS hacker that’s contributed to development of numerous jailbreak utilities) effectively revived the hopes of the jailbreaking community with an exciting comment on a Reddit post.

Yeah, I’m not really sure what all the doom and gloom is about. The fact is, I have an untethered iOS 6.0.2 JB running on my iPhone 5 right now. The reasons it’s not released are because 1. releasing it would burn an exploit we want to save for ourselves so we can always get in to look at new firmware and help JB in the future, 2. iOS 6.1 is coming very soon and will likely break a small part of it anyway, there’s no point in sacrificing the many bugs it won’t break.

Anyway, where there are 4+ bugs (that it took to get this to work), there’s gotta be one or two more so while jailbreaking is getting harder, reports of its death are highly exaggerated.

In declaring that he has an iOS 6.0.2 UnTethered jailbreak running on his iPhone 5, planetbeing (a highly-reputable source) effectively shutdown all negativity surrounding the development of a jailbreak.

For those who are unaware, 6.0.2 is Apple’s latest iOS update that’s exclusive to the iPhone 5 and iPad mini. Issued to correct an unnamed Wi-Fi bug, the trivial firmware is most likely intended to act as a patch to hold users over until Apple releases 6.1.

New Jailbreak Exploits for iOS 6

Now let’s transition into this weekend’s exciting iOS 6+ UnTethered jailbreak news. Not surprisingly, since planetbeing’s comment on Reddit was publicized, there hasn’t been any major news pertaining to the development of a jailbreak solution - until now.

This past weekend, planetbeing sent out a rather intriguing tweet to his followers, suggesting that he’s made critical progress on the jailbreak in collaboration with pod2g (another prominent iOS security expert on the jailbreaking scene).

In a response to planetbeing’s rather vague and enticing tweet, pod2g added some much-needed clarity in an update of his own. The leading hackers were successful in discovering two new iOS vulnerabilities in a single day. If you’ve been jailbreaking your iPhone, iPad and/or iPod touch for long, you’ll know that planetbeing and pod2g’s recent success is a major leap forward and a huge triumph.

Additionally, pod2g stated that they’re still missing the “initial code execution” that’s essential in a public jailbreak.

If everything goes according to plan, once Apple releases 6.1 to the public, the iOS security experts who have been tirelessly working on creating an UnTethered iOS 6 jailbreak for all iDevices, will have code they need to complete it.

Be sure to subscribe to our JailbreakingiOS6 and Jailbreak iOS 6, 6.1 UnTethered news feed, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and add us on   to be promptly notified of any future information regarding the status of the UnTethered iOS 6, 6.1, 6.0.2 and 6.0.1 jailbreak.


  1. Ali August 12, 2013
  2. sloom alrslany July 10, 2013
  3. Isaiah April 26, 2013

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